Sunday, February 24, 2008

Once Upon A Time????

Paranoia seems to be the foundation of this story. It doesn't seem that the couple mentioned in the story was living happily ever after at all. This story reminds me of how people assume that bad things are going to happen but never do. I wonder why the narrator identified the couple as man and wife and never gave them a real name. This is kinda of weird. It's like the narrator put all of her fears of living in a house of her own and imagined everything that could go wrong. She began to over exaggerate her feelings and scare not only herself but she will be able to put fear into a new home owners minds. I think that the narrator needs to take a breather and relax. Being afraid is only in the mind.

A & P

What can I say....interesting story. It was awkward but intriguing how it took place in a grocery store. I think that the main character was much observant to was going on with in the store. He was also a very sarcastic young man. In observing the girls that came into the store, he gave them names and stereotyped them without even knowing who they were. It's funny how this character reminds the reader of how often stereotypes are often made.
This cenerio is often seen amung us today. It's typical and very common. The idea of the group of girls going into the store in swim wear was also common. If this were to happen today, there would be more than just assumptions going on. There has been many occasions where this has happened and people assumed things. The reality of it all is weather or not we will let it continue to happen.