Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Essay 1

I am not sure what to do but I guess I will attempt to write about A Good Man is Hard to Find. I think that this is the story that has caught my attention thus far. I think that A Good Man was more to me than just a story. It helped me to make realizations in my o wn life situations. I believe that I can bring out a good essay within this story. It is also based on religion and I think that this is an appropriate time to talk about that during the essay of this story. I think that it's a good time to talk about it because ehile reading the story, you can tell that the old woman's faith was being tested. Her buttons were being pushed little amounts at a time I thought. The killer was about to take her life and she begged and that just told the killer that she had little to no faith within her. I believe within my essay I can find out how much peolpe rely on their religion and how many people use closet religions that others dont see until a life threatining situation arises.