Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Where are you going where have you been? (Part 2)

As this story progresses, there are some interesting things that began to take place. Arnold Friend comes into the picture and I think he is quitethe character. He has great stalker potiential. He is creepy out of this world.

Throughout the story, he tries to get Connie in his car. He tells her all these details about how great this ride is supposed to be, but it's not convincing enough. The other character Ellie, Arnolds' friend just sits in the car witha radio attached to his ear. He pays no reeal attention to what arnold is trying to do, he just sits in the car and mumble the sounds and words of the songs.

Futhermore, Connie can sense that something was not right with Arnold character and resists him with all her might. As I looked deeper into the text I could also sense the level of crazieness that was begining to take place. There also came about great hesitaion when the mood rises to the climax of the story. Weird things began to take place and a forceful feel comes about.

As I continued on with the story, I found some things to be very fishy or should I say concerning. I think that there could also have been a lot more added on to this story.

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