Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ordinary (Akward Family) Peope Part Dos

I believe that the movie kept me wondering what exactly was going to happen with the family. I think that the ending was absolutely fabulous. It made me open up my mind and wonder what the heck was going on. It also made me use the creative side of my brain to try and peice together the line of events that would fall into order.
Ordinary People has amazing acting in it. I dont think i would have been able to keep myself together in some of the scenes. There was a lot of emotions that were being displayed and a lot that were no that just made me want to shake the character just to get an reaction.
The mother in the story seemed VERY self centered and all she cared about was takin vacations and "getting away". She never really showed any emotions throughout the movie until Calvin (husband) said that he wasn't in love with her any more. He said that it felt as if all her love for anything had been buried with her son Buck. I agree totally with him. At first I was thinking that it was Calvin that Conrad didn't have a relationship with but down the line, it was his mom. They never really spoke to each other and when they did, it was a twisted conversation spoken in circles.
Conrad was dealing with a lot and he blamed every small thing on hisself, and in the end he realized that he was bein a bit harsh on himself. His dad Calvin said that he was so hard on hisself that he never really needed any type of punishments or discipline. I think that the therapy sessions helped him release a lot of his anger. I also think that it was good of Calvin to go to the therapy sessions too. It opened his eyes to a lot of things and made him seem more of a person who was trying to keep his family together.

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