Monday, March 3, 2008

A Good (WO)Man Is Hard to Find???

I had no idea that this story was going to be about a woman and her family. I was thinking more of a basis of a woman trying to find a good man with great standards. I think overall, the story was amazing. It had so much life to it. If it was meant to have no moral, I found one. It's funny how people or authors challenge your ability to think long and hard about how you live your everyday life. this story makes you look back and realize that life's too short to not make the best of it and have an impact on someone else.
As I read on, the killer in the story stood out to me. He seemed to be more than just a killer to me. I think that he was trying to teach this family a lesson. I am not sure what it may be but there was just something about him that stood out. It's very ironic to me how he tried to have no remorse for killing these people but yet he tried not to look into the eyes of them so he wouldn't catch feelings. It was a bit scary at one point. His questions were thought provoking and they made perfect sense. When he said, " there never was a body that gave the undertaker a tip", made me think that there may be a point in life where we should realize that we should never have to beg for life, instead we should take it.

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