Monday, April 7, 2008

I Stand Here Ironing

In reading the intro of this particular story, it was a bit intriguing how it began. The talk of a key or the mother being used as a key threw me into a loop. The story began in circles as if there is a mystery to be found within the reading.

I wonder why this child was the only referred to as “the first and only” of four children to be considered beautiful at birth. Is this child supposed to be extra special? This child is nameless and seems to be the highest priority over all the others. Why were none of the other children mentioned in the beginning? What is the purpose for this child’s life?

I can tell by the words used in the story that it was during an earlier time. “Streetcars” came about before city buses or it was during the time a little before or after trolleys….if I remember correctly. I can tell from reading that she is having some sort of day dream about the relationship her and her daughter began to build. It seems as if her daughter is very dependent on her as if she always wants her to be around. I also noticed that other characters are named in the story and the main ones are not.

This story is a bit confusing. It seems like a mystery. I think that the author was trying to get the reader to think deeper into what was trying to be said because it seems that nothing is told directly. I can also see that there is quite of a hardship between this mother and daughter. I think that most readers can relate to this because there are often cases where the child doesn’t always agree with the parent and the parent only makes moves according to what they think should happen.

I enjoyed reading this story because of the voice that it was in but I think that it was also sad because of the many arguments and the fact that the mother made up in her mind that her and her daughter’s relationship wasn’t going to better.

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