Friday, April 11, 2008

Ordinary People Part Uno

This movie has been very interesting to watch thus far. I believe that it has very akward characters like Conrad. The boat accient that occured early on effected him really bad I think. I do not think that he could ever live a normal life afterwards. I believe that he likes to spend time alone mostly because he always seems to stray away from larger crowds. He dosen't seem like he has a close knot relationship with his father. His relationship with his father seems distant as if he doesnt want his fathers input as much as his moms.

The thearpy sessions that Conrad begins to attend are not really helping. I see that within each session he starts to think negatively in his well being. He made a comment about getting a tranquilizer for himself so that it will ease his pain. He also talked about quiting the swim team and how people get on his nerves and then he talks about how he wants to take control of his situation so that others will stop worring about him. I believe that Doctor Burger is not really helping.

I also believe that Conrad like a close knit realtionship which requires a lot of atttention. He mentioned that he missed being in the hospital and that no one hid anything from him. Conrad also was talking to a young lady who had also been seeing a psychiatrist once before. I think that she does need to see someone because she does not seem as if she has it all together. She repeats herself and does not notice it and I am anixous to see how much more akward this movie can get.

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