Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Endings

This particular set of stories were very interesting. I believe that each ending had a significance to it but i could not quite catch on to what they were. I did however enjoy each ending. I think that it was kind of funny how each character begin to come together as each ending came together.
Happy Endings had a lot of truth to it. It's a perfect way to explain or write about how some relationships just don't work. I think that this story was dynamic and also funny at some points. This particular story kind of reminds me of Romeo and Juliet and how they fall in love and were willing to die because the other was no longer living. I think that each "happy ending" was rather peculiar in some ways because in each one there was one person who was madly in love and the other was not. I would recommend this story to someone else to give them something to think about.

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