Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Essay 1

I am not sure what to do but I guess I will attempt to write about A Good Man is Hard to Find. I think that this is the story that has caught my attention thus far. I think that A Good Man was more to me than just a story. It helped me to make realizations in my o wn life situations. I believe that I can bring out a good essay within this story. It is also based on religion and I think that this is an appropriate time to talk about that during the essay of this story. I think that it's a good time to talk about it because ehile reading the story, you can tell that the old woman's faith was being tested. Her buttons were being pushed little amounts at a time I thought. The killer was about to take her life and she begged and that just told the killer that she had little to no faith within her. I believe within my essay I can find out how much peolpe rely on their religion and how many people use closet religions that others dont see until a life threatining situation arises.


Clary said...

Okay Franshaun
What aspect of religion would you want to focus on? Try to write more to discover what it is you think. Then I can help you a bit more.

caleigh said...

While i read this i also wanted to know what part of religion you were going to focus on.
And why it would be a good time to talk about it.

caleigh said...

Yeah, i'm a bit confused about this essay too. I think what it is, is that you pick a story, and you pick the deeper meaning to the story and write a paper on that. Like i am doing Once upon a time, and talking about americans obssesion over security. Another idea that i had was Where are you going where have you been and talking about teenage girls misconseptions, the way music relates to teens or anyone in general.
Well i hope this helped you understand it a little more.

Clary said...

Good. A little more specific. So perhaps you could focus on how religion is used as a crutch when people face a crisis. In the grandmother's case, it seems that the crisis does test her faith, as you say. In the end, she seems to attain some kind of enlightenment that was previously lacking. So is O'Connor suggesting that many folks have an inauthentic relationship with religion? Is this something that you could explore more? Are some people religious in words only when actions allude them?
Keep writing out your ideas. Read the story multiple times and start hunting for outside sources.